You will need to engage an insurance broker or agent to assist you in obtaining the Basic Insurance Coverages for your film or television series, which is a prerequisite to our issuing a completion bond. We work closely together with many insurance broker-agents in that role. We greatly appreciate their assistance and the risk management advice and support they provide to our customers. If needed, we can recommend and refer you to many experienced and reputable insurance broker-agents.

We may have to use the services of a local broker-agent and/or local insurance carrier to qualify all or part of the completion bond premium for certain governmental rebates, credits, or subsidies. Additional fees and taxes may apply in such circumstances.

Except as indicated above, we do not use insurance brokers or agents to market or sell our completion bond to you. To achieve the most efficient, expedient, and economical bonding procedures, we believe we must develop close working relationships with our customers and promote direct and forthright communication. This allows us to offer 24/7, worldwide support to you and your production team without delay. Adding intermediaries to the line of communication can often cause information dilution and other inefficiencies that would increase the cost for our product and service and diminish our ability to serve and support you.